How to Make Money on Amazon – 11 Top Methods

Don’t panic if you’re afraid you’ve missed the e-commerce boat. It’s just starting to move.
Although many e-commerce firms can make it simple to sell goods online, like eBay, Shopify, Walmart, and Etsy, in my opinion, Amazon is the finest place to make money online.
For individuals looking to enter the e-commerce industry, Amazon represents a tremendous opportunity.
This post delves into the greatest ways to generate money on Amazon because there are so many fantastic ways to do it and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to determine which one could be most effective for you. Following are the top 10 methods that you can adopt to make money on amazon.


Affiliate Marketing on Amazon is a great way to make money, especially if you follow your website and social media. Follow these steps.

1. Sign up for the Amazon Affiliate Program. This way you can generate affiliate links for Amazon’s products and promote them on your website and social media channels.

2. Select the product you want to promote. Look for products that are relevant to your audience and can be wholeheartedly recommended. You can browse Amazon’s categories to find products or use SiteStripe from Amazon Associates to generate affiliate links while browsing Amazon’s website.

3. Promote your affiliate link. You may include affiliate links in blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, and other content you create. Don’t just promote your product, publish your affiliate link and provide value to your audience.

4. Optimize your content for search engines. Use keywords related to your content to help your website rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your affiliate links.  

5. Track your earnings. Amazon Associates provides reports on your earnings so you can see which products are performing well and adjust your strategy as needed. Remember that it takes time and effort to make money with affiliate marketing. You need to build an audience, create quality content, and promote products that are valuable to your audience. However, with perseverance and hard work, you can earn a steady income from affiliate marketing on Amazon.


Dropshipping on Amazon can be a productive business if done right. Here are the general steps you can take to make money through dropshipping on Amazon:

1. Choose a profitable niche: Research popular and profitable products on Amazon and find a niche that has high demand and low competition. Focus on a specific niche to become an expert in it.

2. Find a reliable supplier: Look for a reliable supplier that offers high-quality products at a reasonable price. Alibaba, AliExpress, and SaleHoo are popular options for finding suppliers.

3. List your products on Amazon: Create an Amazon seller account, list your products, and optimize your listings by writing compelling product descriptions, uploading high-quality images, and using relevant keywords, in this way your product will rank in search results.

4. Set competitive prices: Keep your prices competitive with other sellers on Amazon, while still maintaining a healthy profit margin.

5. Manage your inventory: Monitor your inventory levels regularly and ensure that your supplier is maintaining sufficient stock levels to avoid any issues with fulfilling orders.

6. Provide excellent customer service: Respond promptly to customer inquiries and issues, and ensure that all orders are fulfilled accurately and promptly.

By following these steps, you can start earning money through dropshipping on Amazon. However, it’s important to note that dropshipping can be a competitive marketplace, and success may not come overnight. Persistence, research, and hard work can pay off in the long run.


Amazon Handmade allows artisans to sell exclusive handmade products online. To make money with Amazon Handmade, follow these steps:

1. Create a seller account: The first step is to create an Amazon Handmade seller account. You must provide information about yourself and your business, including contact information, product information, and pricing.

2. Set up your shop: After creating an account, you can set up your shop on Amazon Handmade. You must provide detailed product descriptions, high-quality photos, and pricing information.

3. Product promotion: To increase sales, consider promoting your product on social media, blogs, and other online marketplaces. Amazon also offers promotional tools such as Sponsored Products and Amazon Ads to help you introduce your products to potential customers.

4. Order Fulfillment: Once an order is received, it must be fulfilled by packaging and shipping the product to the customer. Amazon provides tools to help you manage your orders, including shipping labels and tracking information.

5. Provide excellent customer service: To maintain positive ratings and customer feedback, you must provide excellent customer service, respond quickly to customer inquiries, and resolve any issues that arise. Overall, making money on Amazon Handmade requires dedication, hard work, and a commitment to creating quality, handmade products that your customers will love.


Amazon Merch is a platform that allows you to design and sell custom apparel such as t-shirts, hoodies, and hats through the Amazon marketplace. Here are the steps to make money with Amazon Merch:

1. Sign up for an Amazon Merch account. To start selling on Amazon Merch, you must apply for an account on our website. Once your application is approved, you can start creating your design and upload it to the platform.

2. Create and upload your design. Use a variety of design tools to create unique and engaging designs that resonate with your target audience. Once you have created your design, you can upload it to your Amazon Merch account.

3. Set your price. Amazon Merch allows you to set a price for each product you sell. By setting a price above the base cost of the product, you can set the profit you want to make from each sale.

4. Promote your product: Promoting your products is essential to increasing sales on Amazon Merch. Reach potential customers using social media platforms, email marketing, or Amazon ads.

5. Earn money on every sale: Amazon Merch pays royalties on every sale. The royalty amount depends on the price you set for your product and the item’s base cost. Making money from Amazon Merch requires creativity, dedication, and marketing skills. By creating unique designs, setting competitive prices, and effectively promoting your products, you can generate a steady stream of income from your Amazon Merch sales.


Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a platform on Amazon that allows authors to publish and sell their books online. Here are the steps to make money through KDP:
1. Write and format your book: Write your book in a format that is compatible with Kindle, such as a Word document or a PDF. Then, format your book to ensure it looks good on Kindle devices.
2. Create a KDP account. Go to and create an account. If you already have an Amazon account, you can use it to sign in.
3. Add the book to KDP. Click Create New Title and enter the required details about your book i.e Title, Description, and Keywords.
4. Set the price of your book: Decide how much you want to charge for your book. Amazon covers a portion of the selling price, so be sure to factor that into your pricing strategy.
5. Publish the book. Once you’ve added all the necessary details, upload your book to KDP and click Publish.
6. Promote your book: To increase sales, you need to promote your book. This can be done using social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies.
7. Track sales: Use the KDP Dashboard to track your book sales and royalties. To generate revenue, Amazon pays up to 70% royalties on each sale, depending on the book’s price and country of sale. You can also subscribe books to on Kindle Unlimited. This allows the reader to borrow the book for free and earns him a portion of the KDP Select Global Fund based on the number of pages read.


Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a program that allows sellers to stock products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. When a customer orders, Amazon picks, packs, and ships the item on your behalf. Here’s how to make money with Fulfillment by Amazon on Amazon:

1. Research and select profitable products. To be successful with Fulfillment by Amazon, researching and selecting in-demand and profitable products is critical. Identify profitable products using Amazon’s bestseller rankings, sales data, and customer reviews.

2. Create a seller account. To start selling on Amazon, create a seller account and sign up for FBA. You will need to provide your business details, bank details, and tax ID number.

3. List your products on Amazon. After you select your products, create your offer on Amazon. Provide accurate product descriptions, images, and prices.

4. Send the item to Amazon’s fulfillment center. The item must be shipped to Amazon’s fulfillment center, where it is stored until the customer orders it.

5. Monitor your inventory. Keep an eye on our inventory levels to make sure your products are always in stock. Amazon charges additional fees for products that are stored in fulfillment centers for extended periods of time.

6. Optimize your offer. Optimize your listings for search engines and conversions by using relevant keywords, providing high-quality images, and writing compelling product descriptions.

7. Provide excellent customer service: Amazon will prioritize sellers who provide excellent customer service. Respond quickly to customer inquiries and resolve any issues that arise.

8. Using Amazon Ads: Consider using Amazon Ads to increase product awareness and sales. Amazon offers a variety of advertising options, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays. By following these steps and continually improving product offerings and customer service, FBA can make money on Amazon. 


Amazon Mechanical Turk is a platform that enables businesses and individuals to outsource small tasks, known as HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks), to a global workforce. Workers complete these tasks and earn money for them. If you want to make money with Amazon Mechanical Turk, follow these steps.

1. Create an Amazon Mechanical Turk account. To earn money with Amazon Mechanical Turk, you need to create an account. You can sign up for an account by visiting the Amazon Mechanical Turk website and following the instructions.

2. Complete your profile. After creating an account, you need to complete your profile. This includes providing personal information such as your name, email address, and payment information.

3. Find her HIT to work on. You can browse HITs available on the Amazon Mechanical Turk website. You can filter HITs by category, payout amount, and other criteria.

4. Complete the HIT: Once you find a HIT that interests you, you can start editing. HITs range from simple tasks such as data entry to more complex tasks such as writing product reviews.

5. Get money: After completing the HIT, the payment will be added to your Amazon Mechanical Turk account. You can then transfer your earnings to your bank account or Amazon gift card balance. It is important to note that the amount you earn from Amazon Mechanical Turk depends on the number of HITs completed and the amount paid for each HIT. Some of his HITs only pay a penny, others a few bucks. 


Amazon offers a variety of services that you can sell on its platform. To start selling your service on Amazon, you need to follow these steps:

1. Create a seller account: If you do not have an Amazon seller account, please visit the Amazon Services website and follow the instructions to create one.

2. Choose a category: Select the category appropriate for the service you offer. Amazon has categories specific to different types of services i.e. Home Services, Business Services, and Professional Services.

3. Set up your profile. Create a professional profile that highlights your experience and credentials in the services you offer. This helps potential customers trust you and your services.

4. List services. Create a list of services. This includes descriptions of the services we offer, prices, and terms of use. Be sure to include high-quality images and videos that showcase your services. 


The Amazon Trade-in Program lets you exchange used items such as books, electronics, and video games for Amazon gift cards. Here are the steps to make money with the Amazon Trade-In program:

1. Check if the item is eligible for trade-in. Visit the Amazon trade-in page and search for the item you wish to trade in. Amazon offers a wide range of products, but not all are eligible for trade-in.

2. Get a quote: Once a qualifying product is found, Amazon will estimate how much revenue you can make from that product. If you are satisfied with the quote, you can proceed to trade in.

3. Ship the item. Amazon provides a prepaid shipping label that you can use to ship your products to Amazon. You must ship the item within the specified period (usually within 7 days). 

4. Get an Amazon gift card. After Amazon receives the item and checks its condition, the agreed amount will be credited to your Amazon account. You can use this credit to purchase items on Amazon. Overall, the Amazon Trade-In program is a convenient way to make money from items you no longer need. However, it’s important to note that the amount you can earn for each item can vary and the process can take weeks from start to finish. 


Amazon Influencers is a program that allows individuals with large social media followers to earn money by promoting their products on Amazon. Here are the steps to make money as an Amazon influencer:

1. Sign up for the Amazon Influencer Program. To join the Amazon Influencer Program, you must apply Through Amazon’s website.

2. Build: Once you’ve been accepted into the program, you should focus on growing your following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

3. Create a storefront. Influencers on Amazon get access to a special storefront where they can create a list of the things they recommend. You can use this storefront to showcase the products you promote.

4. Product promotion: As an Amazon Influencer, you will receive a unique URL that you can use to promote your products on Amazon. You earn a commission when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase.

5. Use Social Media: You can use social media to promote your Amazon business and products. Share the link on your social media profiles, create videos and posts featuring the products you’re promoting, and encourage your followers to shop at your store.

6. Track your earnings: Amazon influencers can track revenue and other key metrics on their dashboards. Track your earnings and adjust your strategy as needed to increase your earnings. Overall, becoming an Amazon influencer is a great way to make money promoting products you believe to your followers.


The practice of buying items for less than market value and reselling them for a profit is known as arbitrage. Although it is feasible to profit from Amazon arbitrage, there are a few considerations to take into account before beginning:

1. Locate products with a considerable price difference: Search for items that are considerably cheaper on Amazon than they are at other online stores or brick-and-mortar stores. You can raise the price at which you sell the product on Amazon and turn a profit.

2. Recognize the costs associated: Before buying a product to resell on Amazon, be careful to account for all costs, such as shipping, handling, and Amazon’s referral fee. After deducting all of these costs, you’ll want to make sure you can still turn a profit.

3. Use tools to find profitable products: There are a number of internet tools that can be used to find products that have a big price differential. For instance, you may monitor Amazon price fluctuations using a program like CamelCamelCamel.

4. Keep an eye on inventory levels: If a product becomes well-liked, it’s possible that the cost will rise and that it won’t be profitable to sell it again. To make sure you can continue to turn a profit, you’ll want to keep a check on the product inventory levels.

5. Be mindful of Amazon’s rules: Amazon has tight rules for product resale. Before beginning, make sure you have read and comprehended these policies.

In general, if done properly, Amazon arbitrage can be a successful business. But, it necessitates thorough investigation, close attention to detail, and a readiness to accept calculated risks.

Read More:- How does Ebay Work – Top 7 Methods to Make Money on Ebay

This information should be useful, we hope!

Although there are likely many more options than the 11 I’ve listed, for the time being, this list should set you on the proper course.

Please share any more strategies you may have in the comments section below if you are aware of them. Best luck!

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